Winry "Win" Rockbell
Birth date: 1899
Age: 15-16 (around 18 at the end)
Family: Pinako Rockbell (grandmother), Urey Rockbell (father, deceased), Sara Rockbell (mother, deceased)
Affiliations: Rockbell Automail, Atelier Garfiel
Occupation: Automail mechanic
Abilities: Automail specialist and mechanic, amateur surgeon
Unique Trait: An unusual love for machines and tools
A childhood friend of the central characters, the Elric brothers, Winry is often seen in their company throughout the series. She is evidently Edward's love interest. Specializing in mechanical repair, specifically with automail, Winry services Edward's arm and leg whenever it is in need of repair or replacement.
In the manga, Winry becomes an apprentice to Garfiel, an automail engineer in Rush Valley. She also studies techniques for making automail for northern frigid conditions. Her parents, both doctors, were killed by Scar during the Ishbal war when she was very young. In chapter 47 at the Central, she tried to shoot Scar after finding out that he was the one who had killed her parents.
She frequently travels with the Elrics in earlier chapters. Later, after returning back to Rush Valley, she realizes she has been in love with Ed for a long time. Ed, though constantly denying it, feels the same.
It was mentioned in chapter 15 that Alphonse and Edward had once fought over who would get to marry Winry when they were kids, making Ed freak out and become incredibly flustered, claiming that he didn't remember that. Alphonse won but was rejected. After Ed asked her why, she replied with, "I don't like guys shorter than me," resulting in a huge blow on Ed's ego.
At the epilogue, Ed confesses (more like proposes) to her, and in a photo, it is shown that they married and had two children.
Anime List
Fullmetal Alchemist Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist The Conqueror of Shamballa Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist Reflections Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist Premium Collection Main
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Specials Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 4-koma Gekijou Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist The Sacred Star of Milos Supporting
Fullmetal Alchemist The Sacred Star of Milos Specials Supporting