Zeo Zagart
Zeo takes this very badly and decides that he will never be able to fit in with other kids and fears that Tyson and the others will reject him for being a robot, so he announces to them that they are now enemies. His father provides him with a powerful bit beast from the stolen rock called Cerberus. Zeo trains hard to control Cerberus and enters the tag team tournament with Gordo as his partner.
When he enters the tournament, he battles Ozuma and beats him badly to everyones shock. Meanwhile, Kenny discovers a weird anomaly that occurs when Zeo battles. When Zeo battles Kai, he loses and Zeo steals Dranzer from him. Tyson confronts Zeo to try and find the kid he once knew and was friends with, but fails. In the final match he battles Max and wins unexpectedely by combining Cerberues's power with Dreanzer and steals Draciel. He has to fight Tyson in the tie breaker match. During his battle with Tyson, part of his body short circuits and reveals to everyone that he is a machine. The battle ends with Tyson winning and Dranzer and Draciel being released. And after Tyson's encouragement Zeo learns to accept himself for what he is and stops trying to get the blade-breakers bit-beasts. He was portray by Illich Guardiola.