Brilith Ruin
Gender: Female
Birthday: Year D995, 7th Month, 7th Day
Birthplace:Planet Willarv
Age: 21 years old
Height: 168 cm (5'5" ft)
Weight: 52 kg (114 lbs)
Birthday Attributes: Agni / Agni / Agni
Magician Rank: A
Family: Talith Ruin (Father, Deceased), Jibril Ajes (Mother, Deceased)
Being the priestess in charge of Atera's barrier (that in reality was maintained by Agni), Brilith bears heavy responsibilities with the city's management.
When Brilith was a child, Atera was destroyed by an attack and saved by some temple magicians, a fact that made her wish to become strong like them, and her deceased mother Jibril, to protect herself and other people.
Shortly thereafter, she summoned Agni, without knowing how she could manage such feat. However, despite being able to become a priestess and graduate from University at an extremely young age, all of that came at a heavy price: she sacrificed most of her lifespan by uttering the Idha Etu magic, and was plagued by constant pain and lack of vigor for maintaining Agni's summoned state. The god became her support, living at her side and pretending to grow up with her, but Brilith was unaware of the fact that he could read her mind. His carefree attitude often made her mad, not realizing it was all for her sake.
At sixteen years old she attempted to take the magician's test in Rindhallow, hoping for at least an A rank, to take back her mother's memento. Since she didn't have a mate to take the test with, Asha Rahiro was chosen to be the one for her, much to Brilith's dismay at finding such young and rude 'boy' with her. They were able to complete the test, and Brilith gained her A rank pass.
(Source: Kubera Wikia)