Yulie Ahtreide
Gender: Female
Class: Paladienne
Weapon: "Basic Circle" twin chakram
Orphaned by one of Filgaia's wars,
she was raised in the White Orphanage, though this was really a front for experimenting on humans to turn them into Gene Drivers. The experiments were somewhat successful on Yulie, though her abilities weren't able to directly power an arm.
Yulie was taken to the town of Ciel in order to bond with an ARM known to be there. Jude Maverick, however, was able to intercede and save Yulie, largely by bonding with the ARM himself. When the ARM misfires, Ciel is destroyed, and Yulie joins Jude in his quest to find the survivors, as well as to find a way to deal with her emotional scars.
Yulie seems to develop a romantic interest in Jude, but this doesn't seem to develop, since Jude becomes a bit of a hermit after the game's end. She instead becomes a teacher for the new settlement, hopefully using different teaching techniques than what were used on her as a child!
(Source: Wild Arms wiki)