One year after their adventure, Mimi and Palmon were reunited. Mimi gave up her Crest's power to free the Sovereigns. As a result, Palmon lost the power to become Lillymon. Two years later, when the Digimon Emperor was conquering the Digital World, Palmon was amongst the old generation Digimon to help the new DigiDestined. One such event was when Yolei, Hawkmon and Mimi were lost and chased by a Dark Ringed group of Gekomon and Otamamon in the Night Forest, with Palmon saving them. She and Mimi introduced the new DigiDestined to American DigiDestined Michael and his partner, Betamon, too. It was also Palmon who revealed that the strange Digimon attacking for no reason were artificial beings created from Control Spires. She also came to the Real World on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day she helped to gather the other Digimon who had appeared in America along with the Control Spires, receiving a power boost from one of the DigiCores of Azulongmon, restoring her ability to Digivolve to Ultimate. She was later seen sealing the Hikarigaoka Gate and in the final battle against MaloMyotismon.
Poison Ivy: Entangles the opponent in her vine-like claws.
Palmon can evolve into Togemon (Champion) or Ponchomon (Champion), Lillymon/Lilimon (Ultimate) and Rosemon (Mega).
Anime List
Digimon Adventure Main
Digimon Adventure 02 Supporting
Digimon Adventure Bokura no War Game Supporting
Digimon Adventure 3D Digimon Grand Prix Supporting
Digimon Xros Wars Toki wo Kakeru Shounen Hunter-tachi Supporting
Digimon Adventure tri 1 Saikai Main
Digimon Adventure tri 2 Ketsui Main
Digimon Adventure tri 3 Kokuhaku Main
Digimon Adventure tri 4 Soushitsu Main
Digimon Adventure tri 5 Kyousei Main
Digimon Adventure tri 6 Bokura no Mirai Main
Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna Main
Digimon Adventure Supporting
Digimon Adventure 20-shuunen Memorial Story Main