When you’re reunited with a childhood crush years after innocent love first blossoms, it’s best to keep your cool! But what if an irresistible attraction springs up in theplace of sweet memories? Can reality ever be as exciting as cherished fantasies? Sweet Emotions toys with tender feelings and teases out hot-and-heavy flirtation! Will a slightly older woman show a young man the ropes of romance without wearing him out? And can a solo vacation meant to mend abroken heart turn into pure paradise?
(Source: Project-H)
1. Rinjin Honey Lip
2. Hanasaki Kanojo
3. Kimi ni Todoku You ni
4. Sazanami Mellow
5. Watashi no Sensei
6. Platinum♥Pop
7. Boy Meets Girl
8. Yoimachigusa no Skaku Yoru ni
9. Natsu-iro Komachi
10. Shiokaze Stay