Jigoku Koushien

Status : Finished

3 / Unknown Chapters

N/A Voting



It's every high school baseball team's dream to go to the legendary Koshien Stadium Tournament. For the first time in years, Seido High School has a chance—star player Gorrila Matsui has finally given the team an opportunity to succeed. Most delighted at this prospect is Principal Kocho. His hopes are dashed, however, when the Headteacher reveals to him that the first game will be played against the infamous Gedo High School. Gedo is notorious for its brutal killings during games. They hardly play at all, instead engaging in a form of martial arts combat called "fighting baseball." Their matches erupt into brutal battlefields, Gedo slaughtering its opponents in any way possible, and the competing team vainly struggling for their lives. The Gedo team is almost inhuman in its slaughter, and their bizarre weapons and attire coupled with their green-grey skin only increase this reputation. (Source: Wikipedia)

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