Is a mexican voice actor. His career in dubbing goes back to more than sixty years of uninterrupted trajectory, starting his career at R. K. Tompkins y Asociados.
He is recognized for being the most common narrator in Walt Disney Pictures productions in Latin America from the mid-1980's to date.
He worked with his brothers-in-law Edmundo Santos and José Manuel Rosano as a personal assistant. Upon Mr. Edmundo's death, he held the position of dubbing director for most Disney projects until the late 1980s. It is also common for him to work as a consultant, translator or creative manager in the productions of the same company.
He is originally from Mexico City. He has a long history in the specialty of voice dubbing, joining it in 1954, in which, in addition to acting, he has worked as a director, translator-adapter, musical director and, occasionally, as a singer.
Since 1977 he was a shareholder of the company Grabaciones y Doblajes S.A. better known as "Estrellita", in honor of the Cuban actress Estrellita Díaz, a company founded by Don Edmundo Santos (comedian, dancer, lyricist, arranger and dubbing director) who directed Disney's Spanish dubbing from 1943 to 1977.
Throughout his professional career he has combined voice dubbing with commercial announcement, activities in which he continues to be fully active today.